As a permanent representation of the degree programme’s stakeholders, the Steering committee is made up of members from the world of work, culture and research.
Its members are: the degree programme coordinator, three professors appointed by the Center’s council, one student representative, one representative of the Center’s administrative staff, and up to twelve external members appointed by the Center’s council as representatives of the world of work, culture and research. Depending on the matters to be dealt with, the membership can be extended to representatives of local industries, local public entities, the head of the Center’s quality assurance committee.
The Steering committee shall elect from among its members a Coordinator who presides over it, a deputy coordinator, who shall take the coordinator’s place when the latter is prevented from attending, and a secretary, who shall minute the meetings.
Internal members
Responsabile del Corso di Studio
Gianfranco Anfora
Docenti designati dal Consiglio di Centro
- Massimo Bertamini
- Ilaria Pertot
- Stella Grando
Rappresentante degli studenti
- Luca Giglini Tassotti
Delegata per la Qualità del C3A
Flavia Gasperi
Responsabile amministrativa
Laura Salvetti
Membri esterni
- Diego Coller, Direttore Confagricoltura del Trentino e Società Cooperativa ASTRO
- Stephan Filippi, Presidente Associazione enologi Alto-Adige
- Enrico Giovannini, Presidente Civit – Consorzio Innovazione Vite
- Maurizio Bottura, Dirigente Centro Trasferimento Tecnologico FEM
- Mauro Leveghi, Presidente Trento Film Festival
- Marcello Lunelli, Presidente di Fondimpresa e Vicepresidente Cantine Ferrari
- Bruno Lutterotti, Presidente Cantina Toblino
- Clementina Palese Giornalista di settore
- Luca Paolazzi, Direttore Consorzio Vignaioli del Trentino
- Goffredo Pasolli, Presidente Associazione enologi del Trentino
- Luca Rigotti, Presidente Gruppo Mezzacorona
- Vittorio Veronelli, vice Presidente IBMA Italia
Tasks of the Steering Committee
The purpose of the Steering committee is to strengthen relationships with external stakeholders in the design and evaluation of the course programme.
In particular, as the programme unfolds, the Steering committee:
- examines the opportunity to modify the course programme to adapt it to external and/or internal innovative changes in relation to any issues that may have arisen;
- helps to better identify internship opportunities, evaluates completed internships, and identifies themes for dissertations and theses;
- gives opinions in order to invite external individuals as guests to lecture on professional skills, languages, or work culture.
The Steering committee plays a key role in the evaluation of the course programme, and works to improve it. The committee serves as a point of contact to discuss the level of learning achieved by students, the percentage of success and the time required to complete the course, to establish whether objectives have been reached and if the course programme was appropriate.
The Committee also examines student satisfaction in field placement and their career advancement. Among the tools used by the Steering committee in this phase are monitoring exercises performed by the University and academic associations (AlmaLaurea), and surveys carried out by companies or business organizations.
The Steering committee drafts an evaluation report that it will submit to the director of the degree programme.
The recommendations included in the evaluation report can be used to implement the changes required to improve the programme, and therefore represent the fundamental element for a successful review process.