The University of Trento promotes the constant enhancement of the quality of its Departments and Centres, study programmes, research, and third mission, using the tools indicated by the AVA framework (internal QA, external QA and accreditation of the Italian university system) and as part of the Quality assurance policy of the University (see "Useful links").

Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning

The C3A - Center Agriculture Food Environment implements its own quality assurance policy in line with the Quality Assurance Framework of the University and ANVUR’s guidelines.

The Programme Review Panels meet at least twice every year, and draft:

  • the Annual Monitoring Report
  • the Annual Programme Report (SUA)
  • the Periodic Programme Review.

These documents are approved by the board of the Center.

The Joint Student Teacher Committee 

  • evaluates the degree of student satisfaction with teaching and learning and their learning experience
  • meets to discuss issues related to the didactic
  • drafts the Annual report and submits it to the board of the Center

Student Feedback on teaching and Learning

The students of the Department/Centre/School can help identify and address any quality issues concerning academic or support services provided by the Department/Centre/School, and report any inappropriate behaviour, through:

Other university bodies that students can contact are:

For information and suggestions concerning student and support services you can contact:

Research  and Third Mission Quality Assurance

Assessment methods and criteria

The Department uses different instruments to monitor and promote the quality of research outputs produced by its researchers and research groups

Organitation of Quality Assurance

Actors in the Quality Assurance

The Director coordinates the Center's teaching and scientific policies and ensures their implementation, represents the Center, presides over the Board and the Council and enacts their decisions.

Delegate for Quality

The Delegate for Quality promotes the constant monitoring and enhancement of the Quality of Teaching and Learning, Research and Third Mission at the Department, while ensuring constant coordination between University and Department on QA processes and initiatives.
The Delegate for Quality at the Center is professor Flavia Gasperi

Department board

The Council is the collective body of the Department and is the body with overall responsibility for quality assurance.

Actors in the Quality of Teaching and Learning

Joint Student-Teacher Committee

Each Centre has its own Joint Student-Teacher Committee (CPDS, Commissione Paritetica docenti-studenti) and ensures the widest possible representation of students from the Degree Programmes it offers. The Committee:

  • monitors the quality of study programmes and of teaching and learning
  • identifies indicators for the evaluation of programme performance
  • expresses its opinion on the activation of new and/or discontinuation of existing study programmes
  • reports the opinions and views of students to their representatives for each study programme.

The members are:

  • prof.ssa Flavia Gasperi (president)
  • prof.ssa Sihem Dabbou
  • prof. Roberto Rosà
  • prof. Omar Rota-Stabelli
  • sig.ra Sofia Bruni
  • sig. Alessandro Masci
  • dott.ssa Simona Montibeller
  • sig.ra Elisa Zancanella

Programme Coordinators

  • are responsible for planning and revising the programmes of study
  • are responsible for drafting the Annual Programme Report (SUA-CdS), the Annual Programme Reviews and the Periodic Programme Review
  • carry out effective monitoring regarding programme performance, ensuring that
  • actions proposed during previous reviews are implemented
  • learning objectives are periodically reviewed
  • programme learning objectives are monitored.
  • act in a timely manner to address any issues.

The Programme Coordinators can be found on the contact page of each study programme

Programme Review Panel/Subject-Area Self-Assessment Panels

These panels hold the primary role in the monitoring and conducting the internal review, as they implement the review process. They:

  • draft the Annual Monitoring Report
  • draft the Periodic Programme Review
  • in case of critical issues, propose actions to address them.

Bachelor Degree in Viticolture and Oenology: Grianfranco Anfora, Massimo Bertamini, Gianmaria Lancini
Master Degree in Agrifood Innovation Management: Annachiara Berardinelli, Fabrizio Costa, Lisa Bucciarelli

Student representatives

The main role of student representatives is to report on any problematic issues and suggestions from students relating to improving the teaching and learning experience.
They also ensure full transparency and disclosure of information.
They participate in all review panels and in the Joint Student-Teacher Committee.

The Steering committee of the Viticulture and Oenology degree programme

The purpose of the Steering committee is to strengthen relationships with external stakeholders in the design and evaluation of the course programme.
In particular, as the programme unfolds, the Steering committee:

  • examines the opportunity to modify the course programme to adapt it to external and/or internal innovative changes in relation to any issues that may have arisen;
  • helps to better identify internship opportunities, evaluates completed internships, and identifies themes for dissertations and theses;
  • gives opinions in order to invite external individuals as guests to lecture on professional skills, languages, or work culture.

The Steering committee plays a key role in the evaluation of the course programme, and works to improve it. The committee serves as a point of contact to discuss the level of learning achieved by students, the percentage of success and the time required to complete the course, to establish whether objectives have been reached and if the course programme was appropriate.
The Committee also examines student satisfaction in field placement and their career advancement. Among the tools used by the Steering committee in this phase are monitoring exercises performed by the University and academic associations (AlmaLaurea), and surveys carried out by companies or business organizations.
The Steering committee drafts an evaluation report that it will submit to the director of the degree programme.
The recommendations included in the evaluation report can be used to implement the changes required to improve the programme, and therefore represent the fundamental element for a successful review process.