Official communications
E-mail is the primary mode of communication in the Doctoral Course Programme and all deadlines and school-related news and events are communicated via e-mail from/to the official "unitn" account.
It is imperative that doctoral candidates check their e-mail on a regular basis.The Coordinator and the Doctoral School Committee do not approve exceptions based on not knowing regulations or deadlines.
The Programme is governed by the University Regulations for Doctoral Programmes and the internal rules (official documents available in the download section).
--> C3A logo for official presentation/communication are here
STEP by STEP procedures
Travels: online authorization and reimbursement procedures
Registration to external activities (Summer/Winter Schools, external courses, conferences, workshops, etc.)
Mobility abroad and Scholarship increase for a period abroad of at least one month
Purchases: (laboratory equipment, laptop, etc.) you must follow SGA procedure; please refer to for any doubt
Books purchases and subscriptions through the University Library System
Who and What
Admission to the following year:
Credits status:
Educational offer;
Enrolment procedure & certificate, scholarship payment, fees and taxes:
Conferences, courses and other external events registration/payment procedures:
Purchases (doubts about good and/or services purchase, SGA procedures..):
Travels' procedures and reimbursement: